//***************************************************** // Following variables are index names for arrays * //***************************************************** //***************************************************** // Player array //***************************************************** 0 pid //player id number 1 super //super status of player 2 name //name last,first 3 jdstart //julian date start 4 login //login password (encrypted) 5 phone //phone number 6 mobile //mobile number 7 ptype //player type // 0=>reg 1=>sub // 10=>cutoff reg 11=>cutoff sub 8 email //player email 9 notify //notify option 10 contact //contact option //0=>none 1=>email 2=>phone 3=>both 11 playerid //ACBL or concatenated name 12 masterpts //ACBL master points //***************************************************** All entries are either a player or a guest. There are 2-9 guests and their pids, logins and names are 1-9, 'Guest' and 'Guest n' respectively. All other logins are an encrypted password. //***************************************************** // Status array //***************************************************** 0 pid //player pid 1 partner //partner pid //in HiSeq record means DOP blocked // 1->signup 2->assigntables 2 posn //table posn (none/NS/EW = 0/1/2) 3 status //N, O, A, P 4 prevstatus //used for notification of chg 5 seq //signup sequence number 6 table //assigned table number 7 tableposn //assigned table position //***************************************************** The first entry is the high sequence values. All other entries are a player's status, one player per entry. //***************************************************** // $tableTeam[] CalcDraw() -> AssignTables() //***************************************************** 0 pid1 //pid of 1st player of pair 1 pid2 //pid of 2nd player of pair 2 posn //requested direction 3 seq //signup seq of pair 4 mpavg //pair's master point average //***************************************************** Used by AssignTables() to produce the Tables array described below and contained in file tables.ser //***************************************************** // $Tables[ndxDay][ndxTable][] array // file:tables.ser -> assigntables.php //***************************************************** 0 table //table number 1 pid1ns //1st pid NS 2 pid2ns //2nd pid NS 3 partns //NS is a partnership 4 mpavgns //pair's master point average 5 pid1ew //1st pid EW 6 pid2ew //2nd pid EW 7 partew //EW is a partnership 8 mpavgew //pair's master point average //*****************************************************