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- Website Maintenance -

To Change the Announcement

Fill in the information in the text box and press the "Change Announcement" button. This announcement appears above the player names on the sign up sheet. A checkbox is provided which will cause the announcement to blink. This should only be used for a day or so to attract the attention of the users to a change in the announcement. Blinking on a web page is considered bad netiquette as it is considered annoying by most users. Blinking does not work on many modern browsers.

Player Information

Name: First and Last name must be at least one character long.
Length of First and Last name combined must not exceed 28 characters.
Login ID Must me alphanumeric and be 8 to 16 characters in length.
Email Blank or valid email address that does not exceed 30 characters.
Phone Blank or 10 digit phone number including area code.
Mobile Blank or 10 digit phone number including area code.
Player ID The ACBL player number.
Master Pts The player's master points.
Type Regular or Substitute.
Contacts List Checking the email and/or the phone checkbox causes the player to be included in the contacts list.
Notify Indicates the player will be notified via email whenever their playing status changes.
Administrator Sets the player to be an administrator.

NOTE! Substitute players have some special attributes. They can be set to have a lower or the same priority as regular players. How this affects player selection is described in the Admin Guide.

To Add A Player

Fill in the information in the text boxes and press the "Add New Player" button. The Login ID is what the player uses to login to the website. If this field is left blank the Login ID will be the first name concatenated with the last name (FirstLast).

NOTE! All Login Login ID's are stored in an encrypted form and are never shown since they cannot be decrypted. Instead, a row of asterisks is shown. If a player forgets their Login ID you can set it to something temporary that they can use to login and set it to what they desire. A good procedure for this is to blank out the login text box. That will cause the Login ID to be set to the default as described above.

To Delete a Player

Select the player from the drop down menu and press the "Delete" button. There is no "undo" for this function, so be sure you have the correct player selected before you press the button.

To Change a Player's Information

Select the player from the drop down menu and press the "Edit" button. The current information for the selected player will be displayed in the text/check boxes. Change that information to the new values and press the "Submit Changes" button.

To send a Welcome email to a Player

Select the player from the drop down menu and press the "Send Welcome" button. This will send an email to the player that explains how to access the website.

To Reset the Entire Page

To clear the entire page to the initial values press the "Reset" button. This will also remove any messages that have appeared at the bottom of the page.

Copyright © 2018 Ted Lane